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Privacy Policy

The Gifka company operates the Gifka application, a digital wallet that allows users to store, manage, redeem, examine, and purchase vouchers, gift cards, and store credits from various suppliers and businesses that change from time to time, easily and conveniently. We operate according to the laws of the State of Israel, including the privacy laws that apply to the personal information we process about our customers.

The company respects your privacy and is committed to protecting the personal information we hold about you. Our privacy policy is intended to inform you about the types of information we collect about you through the website or otherwise as part of the services we provide (hereinafter: the "Services"); how the company collects the information; The measures that the company takes to secure the information as well as the uses made of the information and the options available to you regarding the use of information about you. We will not trade the information or pass it on to others, except as stated in this document.

The collection of information as detailed below, and its preservation in the company's database, is required for the benefit of operational purposes necessary for the provision of optimal service and the provision of services by us, to protect our legitimate interests, subject to the Privacy Protection Law, 1981-1981 (hereinafter - the "Privacy Protection Law" ") and the other legal instructions that apply to us and for the other purposes detailed in this document. We need to note that you are not legally obligated to provide the requested information, but without the information, we will not be able to provide you with all or part of the services.

We may update this privacy policy from time to time, depending on the need and changes in the law or the company's activities. Please note these changes as they apply to you. At any time, our updated privacy policy will appear on this website.

What personal information do we collect about you and how do we collect it?

The personal information we collect may include the following:

• Identification information and contact information such as name and telephone number, identification number, and e-mail address. Such information can be collected directly from you as part of the pages of filling out the details on the website and registering on the website, filling out details on landing pages you will reach through social networks, or by contacting our customer service, or we may receive information from third parties (such as employers who purchase vouchers for their employees).

• Details about your cards that will be entered by you such as the voucher numbers, credits, or gift cards that you will store in the application, their validity, their name, picture, or additional information that will be entered by you.

• Information contained in the answers you give to questions asked for personal identification and security on the site, or as part of filling out surveys. Said information will be collected by you directly as part of the pages of filling out the details on the website and registering on the website, filling out details on landing pages you will reach through social networks, or as part of your participation in the survey or by contacting our customer service or information we receive from third parties. Participation in surveys is voluntary and you can choose not to provide the information.

• Profile picture and any other information published on your public profile on Facebook (in case you choose to connect to the company's service using your Facebook account).

• Information related to how you redeem the voucher (including the identity of the business and the date you chose to redeem the voucher).

• Information required to prevent scams and fraud. Such information will be collected by us through your use of the website and third parties.

• Additional information as stated in this privacy policy.


Note, that the law also protects the privacy of children. Respect the law and your children, obtain their consent to the collection of information as described in this policy, and instruct them in the safe use of the Services.

Use of information

We will use the information primarily to provide our services, but we will also use the information for, among others, the following purposes:

• Regular operation and customer service provision for you.

• Communicating with you and others in connection with our services, including allowing you to change, correct, and cancel services we provide to you.

• Advertising and marketing on our behalf, providing information about products and services we provide in collaboration with third parties, including information tailored to you personally, based on your characteristics (see more information regarding means of contact, advertisements, and direct mail, below).

• Improving the information about you that we have.

• Adapt the ads and/or deals that will be shown to you when you visit the site to your interests.

• Compliance with legal requirements, compliance with judicial and governmental orders, including those of foreign authorities, if we believe that we are required to comply with them.

• Protection of our legal rights and those of others.

• Protection of our and others' legitimate interests and legal rights.

• Existence of procedures and policies, such as audit of books, information security, billing and collection, business continuity, prevention of fraud and scams, and disaster recovery and preservation of records and documents.

• Operating and improving our services and products, including conducting market research and surveys, statistical analyses, including deciphering the uses made by our customers online, in our services and products, examining the number of visitors to the site, segmenting shopping habits, generic segmentation, etc., with the help of cookies and technologies Other similar ones, see details in the chapter about cuckoos below).

• Regular operation and enrichment of the site's content, performing management and control operations for the systems.

• Handling information-related requests for information review and correction.


We may transfer the information in our possession to third parties, with whom we operate as part of our current activities and/or who provide us with outsourced services when some of them are located abroad, and may be in countries, such as the USA, whose privacy protection laws provide a lesser level of protection than stipulated in Israeli law. The transfer of information will be solely to realize the purposes permitted to us, by the provisions of the law and according to your rights. The transfer of information will be carried out subject to what is stated in this policy. Transferring information to a third party is subject to the third party's obligation to process the information legally

To fulfill the purposes permitted to us and detailed in this document, we may transfer the information to third parties, as detailed below:

• Businesses and/or suppliers and/or sub-suppliers and/or outsourcing contractors, with whom we will cooperate as part of our services and as part of an activity in which you can participate and receive service. The information will be transferred to them to complete the particular service;

• Subcontractors in areas such as service centers, information systems, communication providers, cloud computing service providers, printing houses and mail distribution service providers and couriers, surveyors and marketing consultants, risk managers, and outsourcing providers of business operations;

• Third parties who provide us services to prevent scams and fraud in executing transactions.

• Third parties who provide us with data analysis and account management services

• Law enforcement authorities, if you carry out activities on the site that are suspected of violating the provisions of the law and/or the provisions of the terms of use of the site, and if it is required to provide information about you according to a judicial order. Also, we may transfer information according to any law, including in response to the orders of authorities and courts (including foreigners) and in the context of transferring information to credit data service companies;

• We will transfer information about your voucher in connection with our services, which includes the voucher number, in whole or in part, to our business partners, including businesses that honor the voucher for accounting, operation of the voucher, and its realization in the businesses.

• We may transfer information as part of the sale of all of our businesses (including as part of negotiations for such a sale), and as part of restructuring, mergers, joint ventures, and other transactions in connection with our businesses. In such a case, the recipient of the information will undertake to process the information by privacy protection laws;

Means of communication, advertisements, and direct mail

The details you provide when you register for our website or application, or details provided by third parties who have purchased a voucher for you, will be used by us, unless you have refused, to make marketing phone calls, send direct mail (personalized advertisements) and other advertising material, in various media, including Email and Short Message Service (SMS).

To stop receiving updates and advertisements (as defined in Section 30A of the Telecommunications Law (Bezeq and Broadcasting), 1982), by SMS and email or to delete information that led to personalized advertising under certain circumstances, contact the address

In any case, we can still send you messages that the law does not prevent us from sending you, despite your refusal.

In addition, removal from a personalized publication does not mean removal from another publication. Therefore, it is possible that even after requesting removal from personalized advertising, you will continue to receive advertisements that do not suit you personally.



Links to third-party websites included in this privacy policy are not our responsibility, and we have no control over their information security and/or the uses they will make of the information collected as a result of your accessing them.


Cookies and automatic information collection on the website

As part of the use of the website, the application, or the services associated with them, the company performs automatic and statistical documentation of information about your browsing and the use of the services. It is possible that when you use the website and the application, cookies are used, which are unique internal markings that we send to your browser, but these do not constitute computer software and cannot read information or perform any action on your computer.

Using the cookies, our site recognizes you when you return to the site, thus enabling us to provide you with fast and efficient service, adapt the services to your personal preferences, and save you the time involved in refilling various personal details that we already have.

Also, through the cookies we collect information about the computer (or smartphone) you use, such as operating system version, screen type, browser, IP address, time spent on the website or any page, battery charge level, location, and more. This information will be used to improve the site, tailor advertising, and improve our services.

We may also use web beacons and other similar technologies, among other things, to track the actions of website users and email writers to measure the response rate to our mailings, and the success of our marketing campaigns, and to improve the use of the website.

Some of the information collection technologies we use are provided by third parties. Those third parties, among them Facebook and Google, may use technologies such as cookies, web beacons, or other similar technologies to collect information about your use of the website or other places on the network for measurement and tailored marketing purposes. The aforementioned use is also made by their terms of use and privacy.

In particular, we use the technologies of Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel. You can manage or stop the collection of your information by Facebook and Google using the privacy settings in your Facebook and Google accounts.

You can prevent the use of certain cookies by changing browser and/or operating system settings. In cases of blocking cookies, some services may no longer be available to you, or you may have to re-enter your login information. Changing the settings is your responsibility.

Third-party services, such as Google Analytics, and Facebook offer additional control options over the use of cookies, through your user settings on their sites.

Information security and encryption

To secure the information and monitor it, the company uses security measures that correspond to the standards used and accepted on the Internet. However, these systems and procedures do not provide absolute security and the company does not guarantee that its services will be completely immune from unauthorized access to information. As long as the company takes reasonable security measures as stated, it will not be responsible for any damage caused by unauthorized access to information.

In addition, for your maximum security, we also suggest that you take security measures such as installing components to protect against viruses on the Internet.


Review the information

To review the information we keep about you, you must submit a written request to the service center by e-mail at, and follow our instructions so that we can verify your identity. If the information we hold about you is inaccurate, you have the right to request its correction or deletion, subject to cases where the law allows us or requires us to keep the information as it is.


Deletion of information

You can request to be removed from the mailing list for advertisements as detailed above. In certain cases, you have the right to request deletion of additional information. Deletion of information will be possible by the provisions of the law, including in cases where it is not required for us to provide the services, to protect our legitimate interests, to comply with the legal requirement to keep the information, or to defend against lawsuits.



For more information and questions regarding the privacy policy, contact the company by sending an e-mail message to the address:

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